Sunday, October 24, 2010

Stacy: "Today I Learned...."

1. Sometimes, retail therapy is the best therapy.

i lurve you <3>

2. Holiday plates (and Mugs!) make everything tastier :) Yes, even toast.

3. Supersets are hard, and make you aware of muscles you never knew existed ;)

4. Kickboxing is no joke (and it's a bad idea to leave your water bottle in the car... again).

5. Yield means stop when necessary because those in the traffic circle have the right of way... Well, I didn't just learn this today, but was made aware that many other people don't know this one so consider this my public service for the day.

6. When you don't know what to make for dinner, it's definitely fajita night ;)

7. Larabar's Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough bar is pretty much where it's at.

(Sunday shopping snackage)

Random Sunday post. Hope everyone's enjoying their day! I'm off to make apple sauce with the billions of apples we got from apple picking. Recipe to come, of course. :)

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